Early Assist



For more information on how to access services for Fall quarter, email arc@ucr.edu or call 951-827-3721 with questions.



 is a support program for first year, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) and Bourns College of Engineering (BCoE), students who have placed into the Math 3. The program follows students as they progress through Math 3 (Fall), Math 6A (Winter) and Math 6B (Spring) to assist them through the Math prerequisite series in order to begin the required core STEM courses. 

Students participating in the program are assigned a Peer Educator, a CNAS or BCoE student who has been academically successful in Math at UCR, to meet with regularly throughout each quarter.



Early Assist partners with instructors of Math 3, Math 6A and Math 6B. Faculty members are asked to be supportive of the program as well as relay important information to the participating students.

We are extremely thankful to our strong, and successful, faculty partnerships! To participate, or receive more information on being a faculty partner please contact Lindsey Gwozdz.


If you’re a student participating in the Early Assist program, you will have meet weekly, one-on-one, with an Early Assist Peer Educator who will assist you with course content, study skills (primarily time management, test preparation, stress management, etc), understanding campus resources, as well as help you to understand the structure of a four-year research institution and how to be successful. 

The transition from high school to a major research university like UCR, as well as being a CNAS or BCoE major, is an intensive life experience. The Early Assist program is designed to support you through this transition.

Student Positions

Are you interested in becoming an Early Assist Peer Educator? See the qualifications and primary job responsibilities below.  

Applications should be printed out and turned in at the ARC front desk.  If you have any questions about becoming an Early Assist Peer Educator or would like to see the full job description, please contact Lindsey Gwozdz.

  • Peer Educators must have sophomore, junior, or senior standing as full-time UCR students; three quarters of prior attendance at UCR is preferred.
  • Peer Educators must always maintain an overall UCR GPA of 3.0 or above; higher GPAs are preferred.
  • Peer Educators must have earned at least a B+ in the classes they are assigned to, with this exception: if Peer Educators tested out of a class, or took the class at another institution, they may be assigned to that class provided that they earned at least a B+ in the first class in its sequence taken at UCR (this exception will usually be applied only to Mathematics classes).
  • Peer Educators must have general competence in the discipline of the classes they are assigned to (as demonstrated by their major or by other classes taken in that field).
  • Peer Educators must have good interpersonal and communication skills, and must display a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism.
  • Peer Educators are expected to be familiar with material in the textbooks and be prepared to solve homework problems.
  • Peer Educators must be available, at least seven hours per week, to meet one-on-one with their assigned students for a minimum of one hour.
  • Peer Educators must participate in general orientations and training for all new Academic Resource Center student workers, as well as additional trainings specifically for the Early Assist Program.
  • Peer Educators must attend weekly all-staff meetings.