Reading Support
Winter '25 Appointment Times
Monday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Tuesday |
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Reading Support Contact Information
Joseph "Jay" Spencer
Office No. (951) 827-4385
Reading Support is part of the Writing Support!
, or let us say "reading," is more than recognizing and saying the words on a page or screen. What we do when we read is complex; we apply knowledge of sounds, letters, grammar, content, written communication, and much more. College readers also consider who texts are written for, when the texts were written, and the purpose of specific texts. To explore these considerations we offer one to one consultations, focused reading workshops, and vetted resources and strategies on our webpage.
- 1 to 1 Reading Consultations:
- Can target specific reading practices
- "Close" read and discuss assigned readings
- Address any of the workshop topics
- Make connections between texts and writing assignments
- Reading Workshops:
- Address specific kinds of texts (ex. research articles and review articles)
- Close reading practices
- Reading and understanding grammar
Reading Support services can assist students from most subject areas--we encourage reading support in foreign language courses be directed to language tutors and/or instructors. The goal for reading support is to highlight college reading practices essential to reading for understanding. We aim to assist students as they develop their college reading skills and apply their comprehension and insights to their "writing and communication."If you would like to make an appointment with our professional staff member, please see our appointment system, Accudemia, or use the form below under "Reading: Resources & Strategies."
Our Reading services can also provide support for faculty and courses in the form of focused workshops and/or presentations for students and are meant to be a complement to the course instruction. Faculty may also refer individual students to our services. We encourage faculty to email Jay Spencer at Joseph.Spencer@ucr.edu to begin discussion and planning.
Reading: Resources & Strategies
These resources and strategies in the following sections are selected to help clarify and develop college reading practices. Feel free to email Jay Spencer at Joseph.Spencer@ucr.edu for additional help with reading practices and enhancing comprehension of selected readings.
Reading Grammatically
Parts of Speech
1. This handout will provide a quick review of "parts of speech" with definitions and examples.
Still to come:
- Understanding sentence types and boundaries
- Reading commas
- What do first person, second person, and third person perspectives suggest in readings?
Reading for Comprehension
Close Reading Strategies:
- Click on this link for "Methods for Close Reading" handout.
- This essay provides strategies for reading and understanding writing assignments.
- Click on this link for an explanation of Close Reading from Purdue OWL.
Metacognitive Reading:
- Metacognitive Reading Phrases: Reading to connect with texts
Reading to Connect Ideas (Intertextuality)
Finding Resources:
Reading and understanding writing assignments
The passive voice in scientific writing: This 2014 article addresses the usage/practice of writing in the passive voice for scientific communications.
Reading Workshops
Workshops are open to all UCR undergraduates. Winter 2025 workshops will be hosted "in-person" or online. All in-person workshops will be held at the ARC in Room 156 Skye Hall. Email Jay Spencer with any questions. NOTE: See list of current workshops on Writing & Reading Support webpage.
Reading for Meaning/Close Reading
This 30-40 minute workshop will focus on reading and responding to texts (ex. essays, articles, books, etc.). While reading a text, we might highlight ideas and words that stand out to us. When these highlighting marks and underlines begin to lose focus--yet look colorful--we need to be able to annotate the text with questions, phrases and words that help us make connections to the text, topic, author, and/or class situation we are reading it for. This workshop will include strategies for annotating (assigned) readings and making relevant connections.
Dates Offered:
Friday, February 28, from 11:00 to 11:40 (In-Person @ the ARC, Skye Hall, Room 156)
Reading Research Articles
This 40 minute workshop will address the common organization of "original research articles" and "review articles." We will be looking at pre selected STEM and behavioral science articles. Feel free to bring your own article as we will be looking at the purpose of specific sections. We will also be looking at the difference between an "original research article" and a "review article."
Dates Offered:
Friday, February 25, from 11:00 to 11:40 (In-Person @ the ARC, Skye Hall, Room 156)
Sample Articles below:
Two sample research articles (Samples will be analyzed during the workshop.)
Two sample literature review articles (Samples will be analyzed during the workshop.)
Sample science article for general audience
Reading & Discussion Circles
This 30 to 45 minute session is an informal reading and discussion of a short article. The article will focus on a topic related to student life. The goal of this session is to develop comfort talking about a reading. Feel free to ask questions, share opinions, or simply listen to the surrounding conversation. (Walk-ins welcomed!)
Dates Offered:
See Writing and Reading Support Webpage
Fall '24 workshops will be held in-person. See full list of current workshops on "Writing & Reading Support" webpage. To register for workshops, please complete the following steps:
- Click on the blue Accudemia logo above or on the ARC's main webpage: https://arc.ucr.edu/
- Log on to Accudemia. Use your SID as both the User ID and the password.
- Click on "New Appointment"
- For Service, choose "WSP - In-Person Tutoring"
- For Activity, search for "WSP Workshop: Reading - In-Person" and choose the date you want to attend.
- NOTE: You will have to use the "Prev" and "Next" buttons or the calendar icon to select the date.
You will automatically receive a link to the workshop in your UCR email.
Click the titles to the left to see lists of reading topics and dates.
Reading for Understanding:
The workshops below are available by request. Please provide us 2 weeks to plan and find space for the workshop.
Adjusting Reading Practices
This 30 minute session will look closer at common reading strategies and student responses to reading assigned texts. We will look at using strategies for specific reading situations that increase reading engagement. A self assessment of reading practices will also be available. Feel free to take this assessment prior to the workshop: https://forms.gle/MfCM7p6BU7Q4mzEE6
"Identifying Main Ideas"
This 30 minute workshop will focus on reading for the "main idea" in a paragraph. We will also look at how the main idea can be presented in a topic sentence or be an implied idea in the paragraph.
Navigating STEM Review Articles
This 30 minute workshop will address the organization of STEM and behavioral science review articles. We will observe topic flow and the purpose of specific sections. Feel free to bring your own article as we will be looking at the purpose of specific sections in breakout rooms.
Navigating STEM Research Articles
This 30 minute workshop will address the common organization of "original research articles." We will be looking at various STEM and behavioral science articles. Feel free to bring your own article as we will be looking at the purpose of specific sections in breakout rooms.
"Reading Assignment Prompts"
This 30 minute workshop will focus on reading and annotating assignment prompts. Similar to reading writing prompts, we will address language that (1) contextualizes/situates the assignment, (2) directive verbs, and (3) how to clarify expectations for the assignment based on the prompt. Attendees should feel free to come with question, as there will be time at the end of the workshop to discuss specific concerns.
"Reading Like a College Student"
This 30 minute workshop will present different types of readings/texts and the roles they may play in your courses. During this workshop we will look at college reading practices that will enhance reading efficiency and for understanding.
Understanding Point of View in Popularized Science Articles
This 30 minute workshop will look at the role of the author in reporting research that was originally communicated to a specialized field/audience and how the author establishes credibility for the ideas presented. We will also look at how the author manages the complexity of original research articles for a less specialized audience. Articles will be used from Scientific American and Science Daily.
Metacognitive Reading
Inquiry Focused Reading
This 30 minute workshop will address ways to identify questions that guide students' reading and/or text selection. We will also look at questioning ideas from texts and making connections to other sources. Attendees should feel free to bring texts that they are working in their classes. There will be time to use reading strategies with these or sample texts.
How to Annotate Readings/Texts
This 30 to 40 minute workshop will focus on reading and responding to texts (ex. essays, articles, books, etc.). While reading a text, we might highlight ideas and words that stand out to us. When these highlighting marks and underlines begin to lose focus--yet look colorful--we need to be able to annotate the text with questions, phrases and words that help us make connections to the text, topic, author, and/or class situation we are reading the it for. This workshop will include strategies for annotating (assigned) readings and making relevant connections.
Reading Grammatically
Identifying Points of View in Assigned Readings: Understanding First Person, Second Person, and Third Person Perspectives
Available by request.
NOTE We will look at how these pronouns affect points of view.
First person pronouns: | I, me, mine, my, we, our, ours |
Second person pronouns: | you, your, yours |
Third person pronouns: | he, she, they, her, him, them, hers, his, their, theirs |
This 30 minute workshops will address functions of prepositions (on, in, at, to) and the relationship these words create between nouns. (EXAMPLE: The instructor sat on the desk. vs. The instructor sat in the desk.)
Comma Usage
This 30 minute workshop will address comma usage for: listing, separating independent clauses, introductory phrases/clauses/words, and separating nonessential words/phrases (information).
Engineering Focused Reading Workshops
- “How Engineers use Language: A look at forms of communication”
In this 30 minute workshop, attendees will explore the purpose of specific types of writing and how the writer/engineer frames their audience. As we read, we usually become aware of when a text feels familiar or unfamiliar. This workshop will look at identifying the purpose, audience, and formality of types of writing in the field of engineering.
- "Advanced Reading Practices for Engineering Articles: Original Research"
This 30 minute workshop will address the common organization of "original research articles." We will be looking at pre-selected Engineering articles. Students should feel free to bring articles they are reading as we will be looking at the purpose of specific sections. We will also be looking at the different purpose between an "original research article" and a "review article."
- "What do Engineers say about Previous research? Making Connections to Review Sections in articles"
During this 30 minute workshop, attendees will look at how the author connects previous research/studies in an effort to focus and contextualize the research they deem important. Attention will be placed on the specific topics, methods, and variables authors highlight as they focus the topic and purpose of their article. This session will focus on review sections from various engineering articles.
- “Analyzing Assumptions in Engineering Research Articles”
In this 30 minute workshop, attendees will learn to recognize the author’s/researcher’s assumptions about research topics. This includes recognizing what is assumed to be common knowledge for the audience and what is considered novel, or new.
- "When STEM Concepts Become Popularized"
This 30 minute workshop will look at the role of the author in reporting research that was originally communicated to a specialized field/audience and how the author establishes credibility for the ideas presented. We will also look at how the author manages the complexity of original research articles for a less specialized audience. Articles will be used from Scientific American and Science Daily.